SKU: 021187

Bahier 2 Boudins noirs aux oignons | 250g

5 reviews
Price: £ 6,14
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Boudin noir à l'ancienne aux oignons frais.

Sang de porc, oignons 37%, gras de porc, couenne de porc, sel, sucre, épices, plantes aromatiques, boyau naturel de porc.Traces éventuelles de céréales contenant du gluten de blé, lait, oeufs, moutarde, fruits à coque, mollusques.


Weight: 250g

Brand: Other brands

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4 décembre 2022 17:32
Nice enough but lacking a bit of texture, so it's almost like a warm pate. We've definitely tasted better but beats most of the popular UK versions.
anonymous user
14 janvier 2022 14:01
I agree, I just bought and enjoyed thoroughly
27 décembre 2021 16:57
Wow really satisfying Black French pudding the taste is unprecedented am really happy with the taste highlight recommended 👍🏽
14 juillet 2021 17:04
the typical french black pudding.. miles better than the English... can only recommend them.. very nice taste and not dry... I eat them cold, as they come...
13 mai 2021 12:41
my husband these & are better than similar in the UK