SKU: WSP2315
Pedras Sparkling Water Glass | 750ml
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Pedras Salgadas has the lightest carbonation of any naturally carbonated water that we know of €“ it is almost imperceptible.The springs of Pedras Salgadas were known since Roman times. However, they only began to be exploited commercially in 1871. In 1879 the on the Grande Hotel in the spa area started, and in 1884, was visited by the Queen D. Maria Pia. In 1893, the process of bottling got under way, putting Pedras Salgadas within the reach of not only visitors to the spa but also the rest of the Portuguese population.It comes from the north east of Portugal, on a totally isolated plateau, free from any kind of pollutant, in a region of rare beauty and environmental purity.The water takes about ten years to cross the different layers of granite that filter it and enrich it with mineral salts, endowing it with the properties that make it into the market leader of Portugal's sparkling waters.Ingredients:
Naturally carbonated mineral water with a unique and constant composition.Specification:
Weight: 750ml
Brand: Pedras
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