SKU: P4778

Entremont Emmental Slices Organic | 120g

1 review
Product is currently not available

Fromage à pâte pressée cuite


LAIT cru (Origine : France), sel, ferments lactiques.

Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 100g

Valeur énergétique

1606.0 kJ
387.0 kcal

Matières grasses

31.000 g / 100 g
dont acides gras saturés20.000 g / 100 g


0.500 g / 100 g
dont sucres0.500 g / 100 g


27.000 g / 100 g


0.400 g / 100 g




A conserver au frais à + 8°C maximum et à consommer de préférence sous 5 jours après ouverture.

Contact exploitant / Service consommateur

Service consommateur : ENTREMONT 25 Faubourg des Balmettes 74001 Annecy Cedex France . Service exploitant : Entremont 25 faubourg des balmettes 74000 Annecy

Price: £ 3.85

This product can be shipped anywhere in the UK. We use special packaging to ensure all products are kept chilled and within the required temperature whilst in transit. All our chilled parcels are delivered with Express 24 courier service. You will be notified 1-hour delivery slot once the parcel leaves our warehouse. Our Customer service is always ready to deal with any inquiries you may have.

Dec. 25, 2021, 10:19 a.m.
My daughter and / or her husband have taken to them, so I've not yet tried them myself. So I'll probably order some more in due course. (Buying sliced cheese is an extravagent way to do things, however.)