SKU: P392

Bjorg Soy cuisine ORGANIC | 25cl

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Price: £ 2.43
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Discover Bjorg fluid soy cooking and make room for vegetal in your diet. Organic and source of omega 3, this vegetable alternative is the ideal ingredient to integrate in all your sweet or savoury recipes.


Tonyu* (water, peeled SOY beans* 6.8%), cold-pressed sunflower oil* rice syrup*, rice starch*, thickener: guar gum*; emulsifier: sunflower lecithins*, sea salt. Pourcentage exprime sur produit fini*Ingredients biologiquesTonyu* (water, gepelde SOJAbonen* 6,8%), koudgeperste zonnebloemolie*, rijstroop*, rijstzetmeel*, verdikking : guargom*; emulgator: zonnebloemlecithinen*; zeezout. Percentage uitgedrukt op het eindproduct. *Ingrediënt van biologische teelt


Weight: 25cl

Brand: Bjorg

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