SKU: P3416
La Belle Chaurienne Cassoulet au canard et au porc | 750g
2 reviewsPrice: £ 9,45
Nombre de produits:
Successfully added ✓
Weight: 750g
Brand: La Belle Chaurienne
anonymous user
26 février 2023 16:24
Really good ready to eat meal
anonymous user
18 septembre 2021 15:26
It arrived undamaged and I am looking forward to tasting it. I am cautiously optimistic that it will be tasty, and beans are reassuringly less fattening that pasta, rice or potatoes - at least for my metabolism. It might even rate five stars, but at that price it would need to be exceptionally wonderful for that, and till now I didn't get round to eating any of it. Back to cabbage and fish this evening, in a desperate attempt to keep below 90 kg!