Pate en Croute Cocktail | 450g

11 reviews
Price: £ 5,07
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Ingrédients : Farine de blé, viande de porc 25,8 %, eau, beurre 7,9 %, foie de poulet, oeuf, vin blanc, sel, lait demi-écrémé, vin de madère modifié salé-poivré (vin de madère, sel, arôme naturel de poivre), Marc de Bourgogne, échalotes rissolées (échalotes, huile de tournesol), gélatine de porc, sirop de glucose, sucre, gras de porc, épices, ail, vinaigre d'alcool, antioxydant: ascorbate de sodium, jus de citron, conservateur : E250, arôme naturel (dont céleri). Ce produit est composé de 54 % de pâté.

Pâté supérieur en croûte.


Weight: 450g

Brand: Other brands

Shipping info


anonymous user
11 juillet 2024 09:21
This product was for a party and large group of people. It was well received by all. The product arrived in good time, good order, and with professional cool packing. Not quite as meaty as the pictures and somewhat more expensive than in France where the product comes from. Still a good service.
anonymous user
13 novembre 2023 21:39
Good value for the money and it is delicious. Highly recommend
anonymous user
11 mai 2023 15:19
Delicious and really good value
anonymous user
14 décembre 2022 14:27
Can't beat the taste
anonymous user
3 janvier 2022 11:26
Très bon, contente d’en trouver ici pour les fêtes!
anonymous user
3 janvier 2022 11:25
Très Bon, contente d’en trouver Ici.
anonymous user
28 décembre 2021 10:38
Really pleased to find this available outside of France.
anonymous user
13 novembre 2021 14:05
Have bought this from Auchan when in France so very pleased to find a Supplier.
22 août 2021 09:51
Great pate en croute - Auchan "own brand". If you haven't had this before, slice reasonably thinly and serve with pre-dinner drinks. Why on earth this is not available in the UK, I don't know. By the way, it freezes well - buy a few and store in the freezer.
anonymous user
28 mai 2021 15:53
Really delicious and so handy when people pop in for aperitif
anonymous user
9 mai 2021 19:05
Good "pâté en croute". Perfect for the aperitif