Lactel Lait de Chevre UHT demi-ecreme 6x1L

2 reviews
LAIT de chèvre demi écrémé, stabilisant : citrates de sodium. LAIT collecté et conditionné en France, dans un atelier conditionnant du LAIT de vache et de brebis.

Le lait de chèvre Lactel est un lait au goût savoureux. Naturellement source de calcium et de protéines, il conviendra à toute la famille. Source de calcium et de protéines nécessaires au maintien d'une ossature normale.
Price: £ 25,39
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This product can be shipped anywhere in the UK. We use special packaging to ensure all products are kept chilled and within the required temperature whilst in transit. All our chilled parcels are delivered with Express 24 courier service. You will be notified 1-hour delivery slot once the parcel leaves our warehouse. Our Customer service is always ready to deal with any inquiries you may have.

anonymous user
10 juillet 2023 15:38
You ask for another review so I provde same. Nothing new to write, however. It tastes good in coffee and it is said to be better for the digestion than cow milk. Certainly the stomach does not protest in unmentionable ways when faced with goat milk. We tend to buy milk fresh from the supermarket, but fresh milk has quite a short shelf life at this time of year, and some of the English supermarkets seem to be a bit casual about storing it somewhere cool. Also our youngest sometimes splurges without warning on diy milk shakes: so it is good to have long-life milk in reserve under the stairs. It is expensive, but we don't buy it very often.
25 décembre 2021 10:06
Tastes good in the coffee, and more digestible than cow milk for those of us with mild lactose intolerance. If I - or other family members - drank more milk I would complain at the price but I - and we - don't so I won't